“Rutheranakk was no God, and I am no King. He was a power-mad villain, and I am a soldier. Let us be what we are.”
                                                                        -Gargrin Gravelbrow of the Ardent Assembly

In many ways, Strodenmarch is a complete anomaly. The last thing anyone expected after Rutheranakk fell was for a thriving city to be founded at the site, but the sad tale of the Ardent Assembly and its legendary battle with the Nether Giant who came a sliver away from Godhood radiated with the people, and soon that curiosity drew all manner of folks to found their homes there. A quarter of a century later, the city stands as a colorful and vibrant place, filled with adventure to be had and stories to be told…

The general alignment of Strodenmarch is Chaotic Good. Freedom is a key lure that draws many to the city, and there is an undeniable spirit to Strodenmarch and its people that can rarely be encountered elsewhere. Of course, there are always a few rotten apples in the bunch…

Officially, Strodenmarch has no Ruler, or even official law enforcement body. Unofficially, everyone knows that Gargrin Gravelbrow is the most powerful man in the city. As legendary founder of Strodenmarch, the grizzled Dwarf’s word is law, but he very rarely imposes his will upon the populace. His very presence in the massive Keep at the center of town that bears his name is enough to show any would-be usurper who really holds sway with the people.

Gargrin Gravelbrow doesn’t collect taxes or ask anything of those who reside in the city that he founded and named, other than that they live their own lives and let others do the same in relative peace. His hands-off method of governance is extremely popular with the citizenry, and Strodenmarch’s boisterous, yet overall peaceful streets are testament to the effectiveness of this sort of leadership strategy.

There are no town guards in Strodenmarch. The famous Gravelbrow Company is an elite band of highly trained soldiers that swear loyalty to Gargrin Gravelbrow and patrol the city mainly for the defense of the land and territory, always keen on the lookout for monster assaults or bandit raids. While these battle-hardened men and women are ferocious in battle, it is commonly known that Gravelbrow Company are not constables, and they are very likely to shrug if confronted with a complaint of petty theft or the like. In short, their orders are to secure the safety of the town from external threats, not lock up drunkards or pickpockets.

The people of Strodenmarch police themselves, and a culture of self-reliance has emerged as a result. As a result, hired bodyguards can often be seen lining the streets of the city, offering to protect the pockets and throats of their clients for a price.

While it may seem that a place so lax on law would be a thriving haven of crime, murder and chaos, the strong communal ties of Strodenmarch have residents looking out for each other more often than not, and any serious violence or maliciousness like wanton murder or the like will be swiftly brought to heel by Gravelbrow Company in the name of keeping the public order.

Outsiders might be bewildered upon seeing just how important reputation is within the city limits, but those who carry themselves snidely, lying and cheating everyone they come across, soon may find themselves shunned by the populace. This is an exceedingly dramatic public display, where the people of the town literally turn their back to the person in question, and any who even speak to the individual may find their own reputation in the city tarnished as well. For this reason, those who do engage in treacherous, dishonest activities take great and careful pains to hide this tendency. Those with glowing reputations find easy conversation and are treated well. Those with sketchy reputations find prices at shops elevated, and kind words scarce. In Strodenmarch, it doesn’t matter whether you are a noble or a beggar, your deeds are the ultimate arbiter of your standing in the community.

The city of Strodenmarch is divided into five distinct districts, each are detailed below, along with some notable locations that reside in each district. (This section will be periodically updated as more locations of note are revealed)

Aptly named as the center of town, Strodenheart is the site of the battle that broke the Ardent Assembly. Rutheranakk’s black bones are still half-entrenched in the ground, where they fell 25 years ago. An eerie, sinister energy radiates from the bones, and those few who have dared to chip slivers of onyx from the bones to sell have all come to gruesome, hideous ends. Strodenheart is the most well defended district of the city due to its proximity to Gravelbrow Keep.

The Commons
By far the largest district of the city is the Commons, where simple shopkeeps and businesses churn their products and forge their wares. The lifesblood of Strodenmarch flows through the commons, and the people who reside there are some of the most vibrant souls in an already vivid place.

Rubyspeak Row
The bustling trade district boasts vendors and wares from ever part of Oerth, and any service one could imagine can be found for barter here. Colorful tents and displays are designed to attract the attention of the potential buyer, and everything is for sale on the Row.

Grogriver Alley
Lined with taverns, stages and curious street performers, Grogriver Alley is where entertainment is king and you are either a performer or wide-mouthed spectator. This district of the city is equal parts fine, tasteful theater and debauched gambling house rolled into one intoxicating mix.

The Fringes
Poverty and violence are a sad kin to any large population, and Strodenmarch is no different. No one lives in the Fringes because they want to, and the population there is comprised of violent, desperate souls whose poor Reputations have ousted them from the more civilized districts of the city. An endless array of petty street gangs slit throats over rows of corroded turf, and life is a cheap thing here. All the while, the true dominant force of the Fringes is the dreaded Court of Ashes, the Thieves Guild native to Strodenmarch. Led by the enigmatic being known only as the Lady of Ashes, the Court holds sway over the perilous goings on of this seedy District.

Like any large community, splinter groups of like minded individuals will form to vie for influence, power, or simple alignment of goals. Below are some of the most notable Factions that reside within the city of Strodenmarch.

The Ardent Assembly (Defunct)
The once legendary Adventuring group was decimated during the battle against the dreaded Nether Giant Rutheranakk, and currently, only 2 of the 5 original members still draw breath: The stoic Dwarven Warrior Gargrin Gravelbrow, and the distant, mournful Elven Enchantress Meznaleen Stillheart. The Assembly is no longer active, but its legend casts a heavy shadow over the city of Strodenmarch and holds a vital part in its lore.

Gravelbrow Company
The fine fighting force of men and women who dutifully serve under Gargrin Gravelbrow are the first line of defense between Strodenmarch and threats from without. Highly trained by the legendary Dwarven warrior himself, Gravelbrow Company is one of the most elite fighting forces in the realm.

The Order of the Sterling Chalice Adventuring Guild
Duke Sivian Sterling runs this bold Order of Adventurers, supplying its members with fantastic missions that grow its already expansive and impressive reputation. The Duke has poured much of his substantial fortune into the founding and operation of the Guild, and he is known throughout Strodenmarch as a champion for the common man.

The Court of Ashes
This mysterious, brutal Guild of thieves and blackened souls is spoken of in dreaded whispers throughout the city. The Court is led by the mysterious Lady of Ashes, whose true identity is riddled with confusion. Some claim that the Lady is a breathtaking beauty who can kill with her black-lipped smile, while others claim that she is a shriveled, grey-skinned hag who leaves ashen footprints in her wake. Most disturbing of all, some even claim that the Lady appears as a ten year old girl, forever trapped in youth as punishment for the wickedness in her heart.

The Black Bone Brood
Disturbingly, Rutheranakk’s influence did not die with him, and a secretive band of deranged, insane souls have picked up the worship of the would-be deity. Many claim that the Black Bone Brood is merely a fairy tale told to frighten wayward children, but recently, more and more evidence is coming to light that there are agents actively attempting to bring about the return of the Nether Giant Rutheranakk. These disturbing claims must certainly be fiction…

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