"In this world, it only pays to know one thing: Everybody."
                                                         -Good Friend Trivic, Master Chaperone of Strodenmarch

Founder of the Free City of Strodenmarch, General of Gravelbrow Company
Legendary warrior. Brilliant military commander. Stoic defender. All these titles and more sum up the mythical Dwarven Warrior who is one of the two survivors of the Ardent Assembly. The General spends his days locked away in Gravelbrow Keep, plotting and planning for the inevitable return of Rutheranakk the Nether Giant, having taken his dying promise to return from the realms of the dead with lethal seriousness. The defacto ruler of Strodenmarch is beloved by the people precisely because he has no interest in governing them. 

The Withered Wizardess, Banshee of the Dourmoor Hills
Once known as Meznaleen Sparksmile, the Elven Enchantress once laughed easily and freely as the radiant soul of the Ardent Assembly. The famous battle with Rutheranakk the Nether Giant saw 3 of her closest allies fall in battle, and since that day, her Sparksmile dimmed to a cold, even scowl. On that fateful day, Meznaleen Sparksmile died, and Meznaleen Stillheart was born. After Strodenmarch was founded, the powerful Enchantress built her tower in the nearby Dourmoor Hills, where she seeks only solitude and study. Having heavily laced the area in dazzling enchantments and wards, those who wander too close to her lonesome tower often find themselves wandering back into town in a dazed, enchanted stupor, with no memory of the last few hours. Many wild rumors about the haunted Dourmoor Hills have sprung forth as a result, and a palpable aura of sadness and dread radiate from the very land there. 

Founder of the Order of the Sterling Chalice Adventuring Guild
Ever-obsessed with legends and mythical tales of high adventure, it was inevitable that the sad tale of the Ardent Assembly would draw his attention and capture his imagination. Being inspired by the sacrifice made by the Assembly, Duke Sterling founded an Adventuring Guild to sponsor young and upcoming bold adventurers to follow in the footsteps of the noble souls that came before them. A staple of Strodenmarch's community, the Duke is a popular figure with the common folk, many of whom have benefited directly by the services of the Guild that bears his family name.

The Short Seer, Blank-Eye Broddy
Quartermaster of the Order of the Sterling Chalice Adventuring Guild, the Halfling known only as Brodkin the Blind is said to possess sight beyond sight, and while his blank gaze might stare into space, he can see to the very soul of a person. The industrious old Halfling takes care of the day to day operations of the Order of the Sterling Chalice, and is a vital part of its operation.  

Herbmistress of the Chalice
Of all the souls in Strodenmarch, none know more about plants and natural healing than the Dwarf healer Ligmilla, who acts as resident herbalist and healer for the Order of the Sterling Chalice. When a caravan that she was traveling with was attacked by bandits, she was captured and almost ravaged by the bandits until a band of Order-sworn adventurers rescued her and saved the day. Feeling a deep sense of debt towards the Order of the Sterling Chalice for their assistance, she pledged her knowledge and healing prowess to Duke Sivian's noble Guild and its often-wounded members. While her direct bedside manner is far from comforting, no one can doubt Ligmilla's expertise in all manner of the mending arts. 

The Wild Reaver, Master of the Iron Howl
The hulking Half-Orc Barbarian known as Gadroon serves the noble ideals of the Sterling Chalice guild despite his savage appearance. Kind-hearted and loyal to a fault, the massive woodsman and his brutal great axe Iron Howl gleefully hurl themselves into fevered battle whenever the need arises. Gadroon also holds a not-so-secret love for Ligmilla the Dwarf and goes out of his way to try and impress the Dwarf. Distrustful of all arcane magic and inwardly fearful of open water, the Half-Orc is a colorful addition to the Sterling Chalice Guild.  

Favored Son of Pelor, Child of the Inferno
Orderly, neat and stalwart, the Dwarven Cleric of Pelor is a fierce and noble soul with an unbreakable will and moral compass. By far the eldest of all the Guild members of the Sterling Chalice, Phemos lends his weighty stoicism and boundless wisdom to his allies freely, while breaking the foes of righteousness with his trustworthy mace Molten Scepter.

Lady of the Lash
Hailing from the hopelessly corrupt and dangerous streets of the town of Lenk, Strivette has seen a great many evils in her mere twenty years of life. Youthful, endlessly talkative and excitable, the Rogue is a spirited member of the Order of the Sterling Chalice, bringing all her streetwise skills to bear to further the aims of the Duke's noble Order. To compliment her array of questionable skills is her prized whip, which she has named Wicked Vine.

Guardian of the Scroll, Savior of Arvelton
Always armed with an array of protective spells as well as a smile and warm disposition, Gridwen is the mother-hen of the Sterling Chalice Guild. Renowned for her kind and personable nature, the Halfling Wizardess specializes in defensive magic of the Abjuration school. Her ever-present companions are her curious Crab Familiar, Shelldon, and her rune-carved quarterstaff, Stilt.

The Elf of 1,000 Faces (Each more beautiful than the last)
Pronounced "Oh-Fill-East", the dramatic Bard is often simply regarded as Feowain by those with tongues too clumsy to pronounce his flowing Elven first name. The talented performer specializes in acting and disguise, using his flair for the stage and magical know-how to don a wide array of appearances. While his flamboyant nature might be ripe for ridicule, he is every bit as skilled with his elegant Elven longsword Final Act as he is with his wordplay.

Master-Chaperone of Strodenmarch
The charismatic Tiefling known as "Good Friend" is aptly named, as he is the most well versed in all people, places and things within the borders of Strodenmarch. He sells his knowledge and services as a City Guide to newcomers for one Silver piece per day, and that price is certainly a bargain, for Trivic knows everyone who is anyone in the city, and is a wellspring of information. Luckily, the excitable Tiefling doesn't need to be encouraged much to talk your ear off. While he does spin the occasional tall-tale or vibrant exaggeration, Trivic's information and knowledge of the area is truly unsurpassed. 

Bartender and Proprietor of The Lucky Lich Tavern
Owner of the most popular Tavern in the city of Strodenmarch, Barro is friendly and boisterous. His specialty concoction known as "Drakespit Ale" is currently all the rage among the residents of the city. The Lucky Lich Tavern is a staple of the Commons District, and Barro prides himself on being one with the common folk. The Dragonborn also has a deep fondness for painting, and he decorates the walls of his popular establishment with his...interesting masterworks.

Taleweaver of the Azure Sea, Orphan of the Tidal Pearl
Formerly a sailor aboard his beloved ship the Tidal Pearl, the Half-Orc known as Longyarn lived the life of a seafaring Bard before an angry Leviathan attacked and shipwrecked his beloved vessel after a titanic clash and killed most of the crew. During the horrid event, the spirited sailor suffered a grievous wound to his leg left him with a permanent limp, effectively ending his adventuring career. Now, the wily old Orc spends his time recounting bold tales of his younger days and the colorful souls he encountered on the high seas at the Lucky Lich Tavern, entrancing his captive audience with his thrilling tales of swashbuckling and high adventure. He still carries with him his favored adventuring weapon, a beautifully crafted rapier named Red Melody.

Commander of Gravelbrow Company
Loyal second in command of Gravelbrow Company, Commander Rytan is a towering and powerful presence and is General Gargrin Gravelbrow's right hand in all matters. Handling the day to day operations of Strodenmarch, the thoughtful Commander is the second most powerful person in the city. Level-headed, wise and martially capable, the Commander inspires confidence in his allies and dread in enemies of Strodenmarch. Armed with his massive two-handed maul Rytan's Ram, the Commander rarely has to issue orders twice.   

The Tiny Tinkeress
Ever-upbeat and cheerful, the Gnome inventor can cobble together miraculous devices from the most mundane of parts. Rescued from enslavement to the cruel Goblin Chief Chulga, Yazabelle now plies her trade and offers up her services to the citizens of the colorful new city she now calls home. Her eternal optimism and vibrant attitude are often times infectious, and her collection of strange, curious items and seemingly worthless junk seem to increase by the day.

Collector of Curiosities, The Silvered Liege 
As wealthy as he is unpopular with the common folk of Strodenmarch, the silver-haired noble has an undeniable contempt for anyone not of elevated birth. The only reason that the Count has set up a residence in the city is due to his morbid fascination with all manner of gruesome artifacts and strange works of art. Vontrick Narrington was drawn to Strodenmarch for the city's most grim landmark: The black, onyx skeletal remains of Rutheranakk the Nether Giant, which he can often be found basking in the grim presence of.

Gauntlet of the Silvered Liege
Devoted Guard Captain of Count Narrington's retinue, Captain Sidlock is ever at the side of his noble lord, always armed with his well-practiced longsword, Authority. The Captain shares similar elitist viewpoints as the Count who so richly employs him, and the two are seemingly inseparable.

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